What does Exeter's student accommodation rent include?

Let's talk about what expenses are included in the rent for student accommodations in Exeter. It's important to ask these questions before renting a student accommodation to avoid any surprises. Some accommodation rents include water and electricity, as well as other miscellaneous fees, while others don't include them and require the tenant to pay separately. Generally, where the rent and utility bills are separate, the tenant needs to set up the account for water and electricity on the day of check-in.
Additionally, the tenant needs to pay the local government tax, known as Council Tax. However, if you are a student, you can apply for a student certification letter, known as a Council Tax Exemption Letter, through the university and send it to the local government to be tax-free. It's important to note that the tax-free time is the same as your student certification letter.
Staying in student accommodations is a great option for international students. These accommodations are specially designed for students and offer complete facilities, 24-hour security monitoring, regular cleaning and maintenance, and a range of comprehensive service facilities. The accommodation is student housing exeter conveniently located near the university and is only available for students, thus ensuring excellent safety. While the rent may be priced higher, the overall living experience is worth it.
Before renting a student accommodation, it's important to inspect the interior to ensure that everything is in good condition. Check for any signs of damp or peeling paint, make sure there is central heating as winters in the UK can be quite cold, and ensure that the heating is working properly. It's also important to check that the furniture and electrical appliances are in good working condition and that there are no signs of water leakage in the toilet or shower. Any broken items should be fixed by the property before you move in to avoid any future complications or fees.
Hopefully, this information was helpful student housing exeter for you if you are considering renting a student accommodation in Exeter. Please continue to follow us for more useful tips and information!

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